Design Tabloid

Design Tabloid

Design Tabloid featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Design is an attitude, which determines the creativity and learning ability of a designer. A good designer, their design from the overall and details have their own trade-offs. Even a point, he would find as many places as possible to choose from. In this process of continuous selection, I also accumulated my own design experience. Although it looks simple, in the future design process, the accumulation of these details can save him time. If you want to have good design, then you must accumulate more in daily life, to understand the meaning of common things.

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Vis a Vis Season 3

Two years after the cancellation of the spanish series Vis a Vis (Loked up) in a FTA Channel, FOX Spain decided to create a brand new third season. The objective of this poster campaign was to reactivate the fan conversation in social media creating a new visual identity based on the series icons giving to the series fans a new way to connect with the series.

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Horticultural Expo 2019

The Beijing Expo 2019 is an A1 world horticultural exposition which has been approved by the International Association of Horticultural Producers and the Bureau International des Expositions, held by the Chinese government and sponsored by the Beijing Municipal Government. We provide the logo and visual identity system for the event.

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Picglaze Sample Book

Picglaze prints photos, but finishes them with something out of the ordinary. They print on versatile and different materials, with the rigidity of the formats as a main element. The challenge of the design for Estudio Maba was to make the most of these qualities relevant on the result. Since the materials are rigid they can be sustained and form a composition. As such a sculpture with different colors and thicknesses. A product sample book that becomes a piece itself. A decorative object, further than a catalogue, this piece is volumetric design nice to see, touch and feel.

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Mosaic Portrait

The art film "mosaic portrait" was released as a concept poster. It mainly tells the story of a girl who was sexually assaulted. White usually has the metaphor of death and the symbol of chastity. This poster chooses to hide the message of "death" behind a girl's quiet and gentle state, so as to highlight the stronger emotion behind silence. At the same time, the designer integrated artistic elements and suggestive symbols into the picture, causing more extensive thinking and exploration of film works.

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Airport Bremen

A high-contrast modern design and a clear information Hirarchie distinguishes the new system. The orientation system works fast and will make a positive contribution to the quality of service afford the airport. The most important means next to the use of a new font, a distinctive arrow element the introduction of different, high-contrast colors. It was particularly on functional and psychological aspects, such as good visibility, readability and barrier-free information recording. New aluminium cases with contemporary, optimized LED illumination are used. Signage towers were added.

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