Design Tabloid

Design Tabloid

Design Tabloid featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Pretty Little Things

Pretty Little Things explores the world of medical research and the intricate imagery that is seen under the microscope, re-interpreting these in to modern abstract patterns through the blasts of a vibrant fluro colour palette. Over 250 metres long, with over 40 individual artworks it is a large scale installation which presents the beauty of research to the public eye.

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Cairo Jazz Fest

This is the official poster of the 2018 Cairo Jazz Festival; which was designed and illustrated by Egyptian artist Tarek Abdelkawi to celebrate its 10th round. The poster, which was created using a mixture of traditional and digital tools, was used to promote the event both in print and through digital media. Abdelkawi’s approach was to create an image that communicates the festival’s roots and identity to the international scene while still seeming interesting to its local audience who can easily disregard the use of ancient Egyptian motifs and symbols as redundant.

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Buoy Health

The healthcare industry wasn’t keeping pace with technological change. Buoy, an AI-assisted symptom-checker, changed that with their free, easy-to-use app. It not only identified with 97% accuracy what was making you sick, but it recommended what to do next and where to go for help. The real challenge was in changing consumer behavior and mindsets regarding online medical support. The visual identity ripe with rounded, human forms and free-flowing line illustrations helps to convey the softer side of healthcare that carried the user along the journey to health.

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SAIB Intimate Cosmetic

Launched in South Korea, a society remaining surprisingly patriarchal and conservative, a sexual wellness brand SAIB was initiated to tackle the entrenched cultural taboos around female sexuality. The brand "SAIB" is an inversion of the word "BIAS", signaling an overturning of the gender bias. To destigmatize negative perceptions around women exercising sexual agency, SAIB products—condom, lubricant, and cleansing wipe—are designed to resemble cosmetic brands, so that women feel comfortable and proud to carry and use them without any shame or stigma.

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Long Live Brunello

Designed for a showcase of vintage wines held in Montalcino (Italy), the logo of Long Live Brunello recalls the world of oenology with a symbol in this field: a glass of red wine generated by two ribbons that wrap in a spiral rising upwards evoking the image of the beverage shaked inside the goblet by sommeliers to grasp its essence and its aroma, but also the time spent for aging it. Also the color, a brown ruby red, selected from the true tone of aged wine, recalls its characteristic.

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Find Some Time

For this distance education service campaign, the prints show characters that, even choked by a routine situation, find some time to study. With a lot of humor and a touch of comics style, the design brings a fresh and completely new approach for educational services that are turning into commodities. The illustrations were handmade at first. Then, they were transferred to the computer as a line art drawing for coloring, texturizing, put lights, shadows and volume, in a meticulous work that took 2 (two) months for the illustrator to finish it as we wanted.

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