Design Tabloid

Design Tabloid

Design Tabloid featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



With a human-computer interaction system, users can communicate simply through the manipulator. The designer hopes that people with disabilities will be more convenient in their daily lives and can better integrate into society. From the perspective of humanistic care, respect the differences of each individual, care about individual needs, treat the disabled with a parallel perspective, and understand and respect the disabled more.

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Mitsubishi Motors Outlander

The powerful acceleration of the twin-motor 4WD. And an overwhelmingly quiet and smooth ride. In the midst of COVID-19, a state of emergency was declared in Japan, and it was very difficult to find a way to express this car to the fullest with minimal shooting. To make the most of the car's characteristics, the team focused on diversity in casting. The car's unique characteristics and diversity. How do they make the most of these two things? And how will Mitsubishi Motors' cars perform in the world of the new normal? They thought this through theoretically and incorporated it into the visuals.

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Shany Abdallah Naji

Shany Abdalla Naji is a series of Graphic works attempting to revive the name giving tradition in my family. This tradition that broke upon arriving to Israel from Iraq, consists of naming a new born and adding the names of his father and grandfather. The designer learned all this recently after finding my family's immigration papers. This discovery left me excited thinking names can encompass within them the changes of tradition and culture and it made me question how my name fits in my family’s ancestry

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Finding Your Focus

The designer aims to display a visual concept that demonstrates a conceptual and typographical system. Thus composition consists of a specific vocabulary, accurate measurements, and central specifications that the designer has taken into fine consideration. Also, the designer has aimed to establish a clear Typographic hierarchy to establish and move the order in which the audience receives information from the design.

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Wuhan Diary

The Chinese people's concept of nature and world outlook are all firmly based on our land. The designer used programming to present a series of case studies on terrain-based visual languages and collected public opinions during the pandemic period. He used the color and density of rolling mountains to present the social environment and my emotions while under the pandemic situation, which creates a visual diary.

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Nanxiang Incity

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